Dreaming of mirrors can have various meanings depending on the context of the dream, for example: if in the dream we look at ourselves in a mirror, it shows how we see ourselves, it can also help us see the good or bad in our actions. But if in our dream we simply see a mirror, then it represents protection, unless we see it in bad condition, as it then tells us that something bad might happen.- If in the dream we see an AMULET MIRROR, it means that we are well protected.
- If the IMAGE WE SEE IN IT IS BETTER THAN REALITY, it means that we are being self-indulgent and selfish.
- If we see a BROKEN MIRROR or it breaks, it means that a misfortune is approaching. It can also represent a long period of difficulties.
- If we dream of a CIRCULAR MIRROR WITH A RED FRAME THAT IS BROKEN, it means that we are in danger because of someone who wants to take revenge on us.
- If we SPIT ON OR WRAP A BROKEN MIRROR, it means that we have escaped the danger of a misfortune happening, thanks to making a good decision.
- If we see ourselves SWEEPING the pieces of a broken mirror, it means that we will manage to escape a long period of difficulties.
But if we see ourselves removing the pieces with a vacuum cleaner, then it indicates that there is something we need to fix to avoid a long period of difficulties.
- If we dream that we CLEAN A MIRROR it means that we are trying to clean up our image, that is, that we are trying to fix things so that we do not look bad in front of others, or that we are looking for a way to avoid being criticized. But if in the dream we see someone we know cleaning a mirror, the meaning applies to that person.
- If in our dream we see reflected in a mirror, a CLOSED CURTAIN, it means that we have not managed to understand well how to protect ourselves (that is, the way we are thinking of protecting ourselves will not work, as things are not as we believe).
- If we dream that a relative/friend, who has already passed away, COMES OUT OF THE MIRROR and then tells us to please feed their
brother (or some other relative), it means that they are asking us to please take care of their family (especially if they left small children).
(Note: In this type of dream, the mirror is equivalent to crossing from one astral plane to another).
- Dreaming that we look in the mirror and want to COMMIT SUICIDE means that we detest the way others see us.
- Dreaming of a MIRROR INSIDE A CONTAINER WITH WATER, means that we will soon have special protection.
- If we dream that we are in front of the mirror, but we see nothing because it is DARK, it means that someone is betraying us.
- If the mirror is DIRTY, it means an accident that will be of little importance.
- Dreaming of a DULL or blurry mirror means that there is something we have not understood about how others see us.
- If we dream that we look in the mirror and notice that we look DWARFED, it means that we fear losing our popularity or that we fear being underestimated.
- If in the dream we see a FOGGED MIRROR, it means betrayal and deceit, or that something bad might happen. But if it clears up, then it means that we will escape a betrayal/deceit.
- If we see the mirror, and in it, we observe that we are SURROUNDED BY GHOSTS, it means that someone has been doing witchcraft on us (regardless of whether it works or not).
- If we dream that we see ourselves in the mirror and notice that we look very HANDSOME (more than in reality) it means that we wish to have better luck in love.
- Dreaming that we KISS the mirror (our own reflection), means that we are being too selfish.
- If we dream of a MAGIC MIRROR, it means that there is a possibility that a wish will come true, but only if we are good and loyal to those who trust us.
- If we have a nightmare in which at some point we look in the mirror and realize that WE DO NOT SEE OUR IMAGE IN IT (that we do not reflect in it), it means that we are being victims of a psychic attack. This dream advises us to pray to our guardian angel before sleeping (see: http://nelamoxtli.com/pray.html )
- If when looking in the mirror, WE SEE OURSELVES AS OLD, when we are not, the dream tells us that we are afraid of aging, and if it is a nightmare, it tells us that we fear we are aging too quickly.
- If we dream that some kind of force tries to PULL US TOWARDS A MIRROR it means that there is someone who is trying to harm us and will use any means at their disposal to achieve it; this dream advises us not to be overconfident and to do what is necessary to counteract that person's tactics.
- If we dream that we see ourselves in the mirror and notice that we have RED EYES, it means that we should not fear too much the envy of others.
- If we dream that we see ourselves in the mirror, but it happens that our REFLECTION MOVES DIFFERENTLY (for example, we move our neck and our reflection moves an arm), it means that there is someone who is trying to manipulate us or do witchcraft on us, regardless of whether it works or not.
- If in the dream WE SIMPLY SEE A MIRROR, especially if it has a red frame, it tells us that we are well protected or that we will escape a danger.
- If in the mirror we see THE IMAGE OF SOMEONE ELSE, it means that a misfortune is approaching.
But if in the mirror we see the image of someone we know, for example: If a woman sees the image of her mother, or a man sees the image of his father, grandfather, etc.,
it means that in many ways we are similar to the person seen in the mirror.
- If in the mirror we see THE IMAGE OF SOMEONE ELSE, BUT THEN WE WRAP IT, it means that we have escaped the danger of a misfortune happening, thanks to making a good decision.
- If in the dream we see a SPHERICAL MIRROR or in the shape of a sphere, it means that we are well protected (that we will not have difficulties).
- If we see that in the mirror THERE ARE EVIL SPIRITS, but they cannot come out, it means that there is someone who is trying to harm us in some way, either through machinations, intrigues, or even witchcraft, but they have not succeeded, because we are well protected.
- If we dream that when looking in a mirror, we realize that one of our FRONT TEETH (incisors) HAS BROKEN, it means that there is a danger of a misfortune happening to our reputation or our physical appearance. It advises us to be very prudent.
- If we dream that we are TRAPPED INSIDE A MIRROR, it means that there is someone who is trying to harm us and will use any means at their disposal to achieve it. This dream advises us not to be overconfident and to do what is necessary to counteract that person's tactics.
- If we dream that we look in the mirror and notice that another face has appeared next to ours (as if we had TWO FACES), it means that we fear that others see us as hypocritical people, but if we think about having plastic surgery to remove it, it means that we are striving to not be seen as hypocritical people.
- If we dream that when looking in the mirror, we see ourselves as UGLY, it means that we should act with more confidence, or that we should strive to make a better impression.
- If what we see in the mirror MAKES US UNEASY or is UNPLEASANT, it means that we do not want to see ourselves as we fear we are.