- If in the dream WE GET SOMETHING OF DOWN THE MATTRESS bed (something that has a good meaning), tells us that we will have some help or that something will be useful and is related to the meaning of what we get from under the mattress.
- If it's GOOD QUALITY AND CLEAN, indicates relative comfort.
- If we dream that we are in a mattress INFLATABLE POOL but without getting wet, says we want peace and quiet.
- If we are sleeping in our bedroom, in THE PURE MATTRESS (without bed), augurs difficulties in love.
- If in the dream we see a TOMB THAT LOOKS LIKE A MATTRESS, and even more if we lie down in it, means that a comfortable situation or making it more comfortable, we can bring difficult times. This dream advises us not to go for the most comfortable or easy.
- If this TORN AND DIRTY, means different setbacks.