. elamoxtli .


A lucid dream is when we realize that we are dreaming, however, it should be noted that there are two types of dreams in which we can realize that we are dreaming, which is lucid dreaming and astral travel.
The difference is that, in an astral travel, our soul leaves our body but without losing contact with it, since there is a thread of energy that prevents the soul from letting go of the body. It ranges from the dream in which we see our body in bed and a moment later we wake up (a sign that we had an astral travel even though we don't fully remember it), to the induced astral travel in which we realize everything that happens, and we can go from visiting the neighbor's house to traveling to other astral planes.

For its part, lucid dreaming is when we realize that we are dreaming but without reaching the astral and unlike astral travel, we can modify everything, create scenarios, make who we like appear, etc. Like some kind of virtual reality game, but better.
There are two cases in which a lucid dream can occur, which are: When we are in a dream and suddenly we notice that something does not add up, something that does not correspond to reality, then we realize that we are in a dream, but We can also modify what happens in it just by imagining or wishing it, although we have to change thing by thing, because if we try to change everything in a single movement, we will wake up.
The other case is when we carry out a technique to be able to have a lucid dream, there are even many, but generally they work sometimes, but then no longer. However, here we mention the Nelamoxtli technique that always works:

    • The first thing is to take our body to the extreme of exhaustion, the best thing to do is to do physical exercise for hours, if it is not possible for us to resist so much, we must do a few hours of exercise in the morning and others in the afternoon; added to working double shifts, and of course avoiding naps during the day.

    • The next thing is to fall asleep later than usual, and manage to wake up at dawn. At that moment, we have to lie down with our faces up, preferably with a high pillow, so that our body is slightly inclined upwards and at that moment imagine the scenario in which we want to appear in the dream (either a beach, driving a super car, in an old city, etc.), and go back to sleep in less than a second, that is, we wake up at dawn, settle down, imagine the scene (a quick image) and go back to sleep in less than a second, everything must be very fast (which is the most important part), and once we are there, we will realize that we are in a dream and we will be able to modify what we want.

As for recommendations, the main thing is not to do it daily, you have to let at least a few days go by, since the technique can be very exhausting, since we must take our body to the extreme of fatigue. As for risks, during the dream, it may be that someone could try to harm us with a ritual just at that moment, in which case the lucid dream could turn into a lucid nightmare, but we can place a glass of clean water next to the bed and do it when there is daylight (even if the curtain is closed, although if we leave the curtain open, we just have to make sure that the light does not hit us directly in the face, because that would make us wake up). And we can do the following prayer the day before (but not at the precise moment of entering the lucid dream, because we would lose a lot of time and it would no longer be possible to carry it out).

oh my god
You who are:
sunrise and sunset
Night and day.

I ask you to allow me
Carry out a lucid dream
And protect me from any danger.

That I promise to always be faithful.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com