. elamoxtli .


When we dream with someone we like or someone who looks like who you like, the dream is related to that person and the two most common are:
• If she(he) rejects you or despises, it means that in real life, that person does not like you.
• If in the dream the person you like does not reject or despise you, it means that if she(he) likes you (but only if we are still single).

- If in our dream we noticed that someone we like is ABSENT, means that soon we will see.

- Dreaming about someone you like, COME TO YOUR HOUSE TO GET YOU, it means that person is striving for her(he) you like it as much as she(he) likes you.

- If we dream that someone we like COMES TO OUR HOUSE AND ENTERS the house, and also the dream is nice, it means that she(he) likes you too and is likely to become in your girlfriend(boyfriend).

- If your dream CONSTANTLY WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU, means that we like too, or we're obsessed with that person.

- If we dream of someone you like and in the dream does not reject us or despise us, but suddenly DISAPPEAR, means that she likes us, but we have no chance because there are someone who likes more or for some other similar reason.

- Dreaming EAT SOMETHING AND WE LIKE THE TASTE indicates promising developments, but if we do not like the taste, means anguish and loneliness.

- If in the dream we see someone we like, but it happens to FLEE from us or moves away, it means that she not likes you.

- If you dream that we FOLLOWS THAT SOMEONE LIKE (Someone we like in our waking life) but then you lose the trail, it means that person is moving away from you.

- Dreaming we LIKE SOMEONE (Someone who does not know in our waking life) but she(he) reject us, means that in our waking life there someone we like, but you does not like her(he). But if we dream that someone we like and she(he) not reject you, means that in our waking life there someone you like, who also likes you.

- If in the dream you kiss someone you like, but that IS MARRIED means to she also like you, and that person would like to be unfaithful to your partner, what we advised to be cautious and look for someone else.
It is also important to note that it is wrong to relate lovingly, with married people.

Show all dream meanings about a married person we like it

- If you dream you see the PHOTO OF THE GIRLFRIEND(BOYFRIEND) of a friend in which we're kissing her(he), and it happens that in our waking life we like that person, it means that she(he) likes you too.

- If in the dream we see someone we like, and we do not reject or despise us, but PLAY HARD TO GET, OR IS UNDECIDED means also that person likes us, but it will not be so easy to conquer.

- If in the dream we see someone of the opposite sex who do not know, but we noticed that wearing a PLEDGE (A bracelet, blouse, bow, accessories, etc.) equal to that usually use someone we like, represents that person we like and the message is related to the meaning of the other things we see in the dream, for example: If in the dream the person you like does not reject or despise you, it means that if she(he) likes you.

- If you dream that you REJECT TO WHOM WE LIKE, saying you have girlfriend, referring to your ex-girlfriend (As if she(he) were our girlfriend(boyfriend) yet), means that our ex is trying to hurt to who we like by jealousy.

- If in the dream we see someone we like, and also present our RIVAL, but he(she) goes, means that soon we will not have to worry about the opponent, and to stay away or be stopped.

- If in the dream we hear the voice of someone we like or someone who likes us SAYING: "... MY FRIENDS CALL ME", for example: If a man meets someone named Leticia and listens in dream to she says: "My friends call me Leti" means that she is thinking of him.

- If in our dream is this someone we like and we see that we bring wearing a pink SHIRT, AND THEN REMOVE IT to us and we put on a red shirt, means that soon begin a romance with that person we like and love is going to be more intense. But if we dream that we bring wearing a red shirt and then remove it to us and we put on a pink, means that soon we can have a romance with that person we like and will be a passionate and intense, but then the love is going less intense to completely finish.

- If you dream that SOMEONE CALLED you, and that someone has a resemblance to who you like, it means that, that person also likes you and thinking in you.

- If a woman dreams that she's sitting on a bench and suddenly the guy who likes SITS NEAR SHE means that he is interested in it and also likes.

- Dream that someone who looks like someone to you like THINK THAT YOU ARE MARRIED, means that, it means that, that person does not like you enough because she(he) thin to you're married.

- If we dream we are in bed WATCHING TV WITH SOMEONE WE LIKE, it means also that person likes us, but we are a little shy or that that person is a little shy.

- If you dream that someone you like asks us to be your partner, girlfriend... but YOU REJECT IT, it means that she likes and you like it, but you're not sure whether to go ahead or not (or if you reciprocate or not).