This dream reveals that in real life are accumulating resentment, fear and contempt for others.It can also represent a person who is taking advantage of us without giving anything in return, depending on the context of the dream.
- If lice we ATTACK reflects that there are people that we can’t control despite considering them inferior to us.
- If we dream that we remove a louse and CRUSH or squash it with our nails, it means that we have ended things with someone who was taking advantage of us, or that we should do so; it's like our guardian angel telling us to end it with that parasite that is only sucking our blood (that is only taking advantage of us).
- If the lice are becoming GIGANTIC and we cornered representing chiefs feared and despised at the same time.
- If we dream that we HAVE LICE means we have a feeling of contempt, fear, rejection, or resentment towards someone, in this case the lice represent a person we would like to keep as far as possible.
- When we see our HOME INVADED BY LICE, reveals our fear of criticism and gossip of others.
- If we dream that we are REMOVING LICE to one of our CHILDREN, means that we are trying to keep him away from bad company or inconvenient people.
- If you dream that you REMOVED A BIG LICE TO ONE OF OUR CHILDREN, and also gutted the lice, it means we have achieved away from him (her) a bad company or to an undesirable person.
- If we dream of LICE SHAMPOO, it represents the possibility of getting rid of a problem.
- If we perceive the bother of lice but WITHOUT FEELING OF REJECTION, fear or repulsion we reflect small inconvenience, loss or concerns that accompany a task that has made us tedious.