Dreaming of kissing someone represents the love and appreciation we have for that person, unless the kiss is unpleasant, as it then means that something is not right.- If a man dreams that he is kissed by BEAUTIFUL ACTRESSES, it means infidelity, caused because his partner does not feel sufficiently recognized, or that he does not pay enough attention to her. And the same applies if a woman dreams that she is kissed by handsome actors or famous singers.
- If we dream that someone we like kisses us on the mouth, but then APOLOGIZES saying they meant to kiss us on the cheek, it means that they also like us, but they do not want anyone to find out, for example: because they already have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
- If we dream that we are on a BEACH AND THERE WE SEE A FAMILY MEMBER/FRIEND WHO HAS ALREADY PASSED AWAY and we kiss them, hug them, hold their hand, talk to them... It means that through our dream we have visited our loved one who is now in Heaven. In this dream, the ocean symbolizes the sea of heaven; and the beach, the firm land, that is, the arrival to Heaven.
- If we dream that our girlfriend/boyfriend gives us a KISS WITH A BITE (they kiss us but also bite us), it means that they are a very dominant and jealous person.
- If we dream that we kiss our girlfriend/boyfriend, but the kiss TASTES BITTER, it means that something is not right in our relationship.
On the other hand, if we dream that the person we like gives us a kiss, but it tastes bitter, it means that they also like us, although it is not advisable, as they are a conflictive, unfaithful, or toxic person.
- If we dream that we are WATCHING A COUPLE KISSING, it means that we are too involved in someone else's life (usually a family member or friend), which tells us that we need to give that person some space.
- If a child dreams that their DAD KISSES A WOMAN WHO IS NOT THEIR MOM, it means that their mom is being unfaithful to their dad.
- If we see ourselves KISSING SOMEONE DEAD (CORPSE), it foretells an upcoming inheritance.
- If we dream that someone we do not know in our daily life DENIES US A KISS, it means that we are being discourteous in our relationships.
- If we dream that we kiss someone of the opposite sex (someone unknown) ON THE MOUTH AND IT MAKES US DISGUSTED, it means infidelity, or that it is likely that we will soon suffer it; because we are doing something that is not right, for example: because we are being unfaithful to our partner and that in turn motivates them to be unfaithful to us; or that we are not showing them enough interest/appreciation.
- If a woman dreams that a DOG-MAN wants to kiss her, it means that she is liked by a guy who is not serious and only thinks about sex.
- If we dream that we kiss someone we like, but the kiss feels DRY, it means that they also like us, but at the same time, the dream tells us that they are a very shy person.
- If in our dream we see ourselves on a beach and there we give an ESKIMO KISS to a friend/family member who has already passed away, it is that person, whom we visit in the dream and they tell us that they love us, in addition to being well, as they have already reached Heaven.
- If WE ARE MARRIED and dream that we kiss an EX, it means that things are not going entirely well with our partner, although generally, this type of dream disappears as soon as things start to improve with our partner.
- If we dream that our GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND KISSES THEIR EX while holding our hand, it means that they would like to get back with their ex, but they do not want to break up with us, so if it were up to them, they would be dating both.
- If we dream that we kiss someone we know on the mouth, but we do it with our EYES OPEN, it means that we like that person, but we are afraid of criticism, or there is something about them that makes us uncomfortable.
But if we dream that the person we like kisses us with their eyes open, then it means that they like us, although they fear being criticized, or there is something about us that makes them uncomfortable.
- If in the dream a friend kisses us on the mouth (or a friend in the case of a woman's dream) and we reciprocate, but WE FEEL NOTHING, it means that we appreciate them as a friend, but we feel nothing for them.
- If we dream that an unknown child kisses our FEET, it means that we should be careful with a certain flattering person, as they only do it to make us trust them (to let our guard down), so they can scam us or take advantage of us in some way.
- If we KISS OUR GIRLFRIEND OR LOVE INTEREST, it means good fortune.
- If we dream that we KISS THE GRIM REAPER, it means that it is important to stay away from dangerous situations.
- If in the dream we kiss our ex-girlfriend and she reciprocates the kiss, but then we see that her JAW (the bone of the mouth) BREAKS, it means that she still loves us, although she feels hurt by something.
- If we see ourselves KISSING A PERSON WE LOVE/APPRECIATE, it means that they will leave soon. Unless the person we kiss in our dream is our love interest whom we feel in love with, as it then means good fortune.
- If in the dream we kiss someone we LIKE, BUT THEY ARE MARRIED, it means that they also like us, and that person would like to be unfaithful to their partner; which advises us to be cautious and look for someone else. In addition to keeping in mind that it is not right to have romantic relationships with married people.
- If in our dream we KISS SOMEONE WE KNOW, of the same sex, and then we see that their MOUTH BLEEDS, it means that we feel affection for that person, and it is likely that we will soon be worried or suffer because of them, for example: because something bad happens to them, or because they make us feel jealous.
- If we dream that WE ARE KISSING SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY PASSED AWAY, it is that person visiting us in our dream, to tell us that they were in limbo, but they are now fine, because they have left that place and are now in heaven where they have become an angel.
- If in the dream we KISS SOMEONE of the opposite sex and we remember very well what they were like, we must pay attention to their PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS because there is someone who likes us, and it is very likely that we will recognize them by some of those characteristics.
- If we dream that an enemy kisses a POLICE OFFICER, it means that there is an authority allowing that person to commit a crime. It can also mean that this person has given money to a certain authority to allow them to commit an illegal act against us.
- If we dream that THE PERSON WE LIKE TRIES TO KISS US, BUT WE REJECT them in some way, it means that they also like us, but with our attitude, we are pushing them away, for example, because they think we dislike them or because we are not giving them a chance to get closer to us.
- If in our dream we kiss someone of the opposite sex, and the kiss TASTES SALTY, it means difficulties in love.
- If we see ourselves KISSING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX, it means that we can get help from that person. But if we feel affection, it means that person will be the one who benefits from us.
- If we KISS SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OUR PARTNER, it means infidelity. (But if we do not have a partner, it means good luck in love).
- If we do not have a partner and we KISS SOMEONE WE LIKE, and they do not reject us, it means that they also like us.
Hug:- To dream that we hug someone of the opposite sex, but then his hug suffocating us, it means that someone appreciate, but we do not like or simply no longer want as a girlfriend or boyfriend.
- To dream that we hug someone of the opposite sex, but then smother it means that someone appreciates us, but I do not like us much, or just do not want us as boyfriends or suitors.
- If you dream to hug someone who left this world, that means the person has become our guardian angel, thanks to the appreciation that we had and that he or she had us also.
- If you dream that hug a a rat, tells us that we be careful with relationships based on mistrust and disloyalty.