. elamoxtli .


-- If in our dream, we are being UNFAITHFUL TO OUR PARTNER, it means that we are dissatisfied with she(he) because of its character or the way it behaves.

-- If in our dream we see OUR PARTNER BEING UNFAITHFUL, it means that she(he) is dissatisfied with our character or with the way we behave.

- If in the dream we see our girlfriend or partner being unfaithful, and also we begin to CRY, it means that she(he) is dissatisfied with our character or with the way we behave and that is causing us pain or will soon cause us. What advises us to be more kind and considerate with her (him).

- If in our dream we see our DAD BEING UNFAITHFUL TO OUR MOM means that it is dissatisfied with the way our mother behaves; this dream possible because advised to get along.

- If in our dream we see our MOM BEING UNFAITHFUL TO OUR DAD means that she is dissatisfied with the way of our dad behaves. This dream advises us, do their best because they get along.

- If you dream that you mark our girlfriend (boyfriend) by PHONE, BUT WE ANSWER OTHER PERSON, (and in the dream thought we precisely is being unfaithful to that person) means that she(he) is dissatisfied with us. This dream advised to seek further communication with her (him) to know what is bothering you so you can avoid problems and misunderstandings.

- Dreaming about our girlfriend(boyfriend) is unfaithful with us and that our RIVA tells his dog to attack us, and the dog bites us, represents someone who is trying to separate from her(him) because he(she) likes our girlfriend(boyfriend).

- If in our dream to look WINDOW, SEE OUR PARTNER BEING UNFAITHFUL means that he(she) is not satisfied with the way we behave lately.

- If you dream that YOU ARE UNFAITHFUL TO YOUR PARTNER AND TO HAVE SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE, means that we are dissatisfied with our partner and we would like more exciting courtship or at least more passionate.