

This sign represents the place where we can dialogue with our conscience. It also represents our Being as a person, for example: seeing our house full of garbage means that the bad feelings around us are affecting us, such as slander. But if we dream that we take out the garbage from our house, it means that we have the situation under control and bad feelings are not affecting us, since we are taking them out of our house, which is equivalent to taking out the bad from our Being. Another important point is when our dream focuses on a particular part of the house, since each of them is related to a different subject, for example: The closet represents our possessions, the dining room our family relationships.

-- To dream of an ADOBE house or to build a house with adobe, means honestly earned money, it can also symbolize something that we have honestly achieved.

-- If the ANTS INVADE OUR HOUSE OR WE SEE THEM ENTERING OUR HOUSE, it means that there are people who have bad will towards us. It can also mean a multitude of small annoyances.

  • If in the dream we see that on the ROOF OF OUR HOUSE THERE ARE MANY ANTS, it means that there is someone who has ill will towards us. But if in our dream we see ANTS FALLING FROM THE ROOF of our house, it tells us that there are people who have ill will towards us and are causing or will cause us harm.

-- If we dream that our house has a HIDDEN BASEMENT, AND SOMEONE IS LIVING THERE, it means that there is a soul in pain living in our house, either because someone recently died, or because someone buried something.

-- If we dream that someone tells us that a certain house BELONGS TO SOMEONE good, it means that we are bad or we are being bad; but if they say that the house belongs to someone bad, it tells us that we are good (it tells us that we are the opposite of what they say about the owner of the house).

-- To dream that we BUILD A HOUSE, means that we are doing well, and it augurs good fortune for us, but if we dream that we can build a house, but we don't, it means that something is not right, or that we need something important to do.

  • BUILDING A HOUSE ON THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN means that soon we will reach a higher spiritual level.

-- To dream that our house is BURNING, means: That there is a serious danger on us.

-- To dream that we BUY A HOUSE, means that we are doing well. But if we dream that we want to buy it but we do not get to buy it, it means that something is not right, or that we need something important to do.

-- To dream that we CAN'T FIND OUR HOUSE, means that we can't find ourselves.

-- To dream of a DARK house, means problems in our professional activities, lack of economic resources, debts, uncertainty and/or fights in the family.

-- To dream that a DOG WATCHES OUR HOUSE, means that our guardian angels are guiding and helping us.

-- To dream of a house that has the DOORS AND WINDOWS BLOCKED OR THAT DOES NOT HAVE DOORS OR WINDOWS, means isolation.

-- To dream of an EMPTY house, means: Loneliness.

-- When in our dream WE SEE OUR EX'S HOUSE, it tells us that the dream is related to our ex girlfriend (ex boyfriend), and to the meaning of the other things we see in the dream, for example:

  • If in the dream we see ourselves in front of our ex's house, and we ENTER it means that it is very likely that we will return to her/his life soon.
  • If we dream that we are INSIDE our ex's house, it means that things are not completely over with her/him (as it could be because, although she told us that we are over, in reality she is just angry about something ), unless we leave your house.
  • But if we DO NOT GET IN, then it means that we have little chance of getting back with her/him.

-- To dream that OUR HOUSE IS FLOODED, means that around us there are hidden enemies, they can even be people whom we would never suspect.

-- If in our dream the GARBAGE TRUCK GOES TO PICK UP THE WASTE, it is a good sign, since it represents the possibility that the bad will go away.

-- To dream that WE ARE A GHOST AND WE TRY TO MOVE SOMEONE AWAY FROM A HOUSE by frightening them, because we don't like it, means that we feel isolated, and in part it is because we feel too much distrust of someone or others. This dream advises us to analyze the situation well before making hasty conclusions.

-- If we dream that we live in a GLASS house together with our girlfriend (boyfriend), it means that there are no secrets between us (it is a transparent relationship without secrets or tricks).

-- To dream of a HAUNTED HOUSE, means that there is an evil spirit that bothers us. But if in our dream, in addition to the haunted house, we also see someone we know, it means that there is an evil spirit that is bothering that person and that induces him to do dishonorable things, in the latter case, the dream advises us to be careful. with that familiar person.

-- The INTERIOR OF A HOUSE, is related to our inner Being,

-- To dream that someone LOOKS AROUND our house, means: We fear that someone will steal something important from us.

-- If it is a MANSION, it means the following:

  • A BEAUTIFUL MANSION represents the materialization of our aspirations, which we will see realized unexpectedly.
  • If the mansion is NEGLECTED, it means that we will have some difficulties before achieving complete success.
  • If a woman dreams of the PLAYBOY mansion, it means that she wants to be admired by the opposite sex, and it is likely to happen.

-- If we dream that someone carrying a NEWSPAPER wants to enter our house, but we close the door, so that we do not let him pass, it means that we have gotten rid of bad news.

-- If in our dream we see an OLD AND DARK house it represents problems and uncertainty about our current situation.

-- To dream of our PREVIOUS HOUSE, in which we lived a long time ago, means that there is something from the past or something that happened to us in that house that we must remember. It can also represent our old selves.

-- To dream of a SMALL house means that we have few aspirations and if we dream that someone offers us a small house, it represents an option, but an option in which we cannot aspire to great things. The same means if we dream that we live in a BAD-LOOKING house, for example: If we dream that we live in a train car, it means that we have few aspirations in life.

-- To dream of the HOUSE OF SOMEONE WE KNOW represents that person, for example:

-- To dream that OUR HOUSE IS STOLEN, means: That we are afraid that someone will steal something important from us.

-- To dream that we TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE OUT of our house in black bags, means that there are bad feelings against us, but we have the situation under control so they are not affecting us.

-- If we dream that someone VISITS us in our house, we must consult: Visitors or Acquaintances, depending on the case, but if a Friend, Brother, Cousin, Uncle, etc. visits us, then we must look for the specific meaning.

-- If we dream that we are WALKING TOWARDS OUR HOUSE or that we take a path that leads us to it and we manage to reach it, it means that everything will turn out well for us. But if the dream ends before we manage to get home, then it means that the future is uncertain.

-- To dream that our house is full of WEBS, means that we are in a delicate situation from which we have not yet found a way out.


-- If in the dream we see ourselves inside a WOODEN HOUSE (not painted wood or covered with plaster, but natural or varnished wood), and the wood looks in good condition, it means that we will have good luck.

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