. elamoxtli .


- If in our dream, SOMEONE WE KNOW HELPS US, it means that person is our friend, or is on our side.

- If in our dream, we see someone we know, REFUSINF TO HELP US means it is not our friend. It can also mean simply not willing to rely on something.

- Dreaming to you serve or HELP OTHER OR TO YOUR COUNTRY, is a sign of divine grace and good intentions, so that eventually will bring us good things.

- To dream that a WOMAN HELPS US with anything, it means that we will succeed in one of our projects with the help of friends and or family.

- PROVIDE SUPPORT, indicates that we will be very dear to our friends.

- ASK FOR HELP, tells us that we have the support of our friends to solve our problems.

- GET HELP, it means the same as above, ie tells us that we have the support of our friends to solve our problems.

- If you dream of a PERSON WHO LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE WE KNOW, AND HELP US, that means the person to whom it seems is our friend, and if it looks like a family member tells us that we can count on that family.

- To dream that someone we know, TRYING TO HELP OR DEFEND US, means that he appreciates us.