

This sign in most cases are associated with difficulties and problems, especially if dream is unpleasant.

- Dream of the GHOST OF AN ANCESTOR, then there is a danger close.

- If in the dream A GHOST APPEARS us, and we are scared, it means that not going well and is caused by someone who is causing us to have problems.

See all dream meanings of a Ghost Appears

- If we dream that we ARE A GHOST, means that we feel isolated and that the others we are considering.

- If we dream that WE ARE A GHOST AND WE TRY TO KEEP AWAY TO SOMEONE OF A HOUSE scaring, because we do not like them, it means that we feel isolated, and part is because we feel too much distrust of one or the other. This dream advises us analyze the situation before jumping to conclusions hasty.

- To dream of the ghost OF A BLACK CAT, it means betrayal by a woman.

- To dream the ghost OF A BLACK CAT STARTS SPINNING AROUND, it means that things can turn around negative, because betrayal of a woman.

- If you see a ghost BLACK DRESS, means a betrayal of someone we know.

- Dreaming a ghost that BOTHERS US, means that either a person is this is causing problems or provoke it intruding into our affairs or making witchcraft, which advises us not allow this and or get an amulet, such as a four leaf clover silver.

- To dream of the ghost of a CHILD, means poverty and hardship caused by a enemy, and if the child's ghost has red eyes, means that enemy, moreover, we have too much envy.

- If you dream that a GHOST CROSSES OUR PATH and is also night means a misfortune that can happen. This dream advises us to be prudent and get a silver amulet.

- If we GET SCARED, it means that is likely to face some problems.

- If in our dream, we SEE A GHOST IN WHITE SHROUD means we will have good health and happiness.

- If we DREAM OR FEEL THAT SOMEONE IS UPON US, that we wake up, we pulled the sheet, or caresses, means there is a pesky spirit is bothering us. In these cases we can breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through the mouth several times, until the unpleasant sensation fence, in addition to not show fear, it can also be helpful to place a silver amulet under his pillow, for example: a four-leaf clover silver. A common case is when we feel that someone is above us, and sometimes happens when we're half awake (In some places use the expression: "He raised the dead", to refer to this psychic phenomenon) and happens, is that a pesky spirit is contact with a perspirit or aura, which is that causing that feeling, like someone is upon us and sometimes we even move, but if we are half awake, in that same time we must draw air through the nose and exhale through the mouth repeatedly, as this causes the ejected invading spirit, which is very unpleasant for them.

- If in our daily living we have lots of junks and the dream we see COMING OUT GHOSTS OF THESE JUNK, says it's best to leave getting rid of them as we are bringing bad luck.

- To dream of the GHOST OF A NURSE, it means that we will have the help of one of our guardian angels.

- If you dream of the ghost of a SKELETON means pessimism and depression and partly caused by a betrayal, this dream has advised change of fitness.

- If we DREAM OR FEEL THAT SOMEONE IS UPON US, that we wake up, we pulled the sheet, or caresses, means there is a pesky spirit is bothering us. In these cases we can breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through the mouth several times, until the unpleasant sensation fence, in addition to not show fear, it can also be helpful to place a silver amulet under his pillow, for example: a four-leaf clover silver. A common case is when we feel that someone is above us, and sometimes happens when we're half awake (In some places use the expression: "He raised the dead", to refer to this psychic phenomenon) and happens, is that a pesky spirit is contact with a perspirit or aura, which is that causing that feeling, like someone is upon us and sometimes we even move, but if we are half awake, in that same time we must draw air through the nose and exhale through the mouth repeatedly, as this causes the ejected invading spirit, which is very unpleasant for them.

- If in our dream a ghost attacks us, but then took a SWORD and we defeat, it says that our enemies can not harm us.

- If the dream we see the ghost of a TYRANNOSAURUS, meaning difficulties because of a dangerous enemy and cheat. And if we are traveling by train and there we see the ghost of a tyrannosaurus, tells us that we must face a tricky and danger enemy, in both cases above, we advised to study the habits of the enemy, in order to overcome it.

- To dream that we HEAR GHOSTLY VOICES, means it is likely that we face some problems.

- To dream that we HEAR THE VOICE OF SOMEONE WHO LEFT THIS WORLD, means that even miss her, AND IF THE VOICE IS GHOSTLY, means that she(he) we also strangers.

- To dream of the GHOST OF A WITCH, tells us it will be difficult to get to see our wishes fulfilled.

- If we go to sleep or suddenly WOKE UP AND SEE AN ANIMAL TRYING TO SUCK BREATH that is, our vital energy is absorbed, it is a morpho, ie a spirit which takes the form of a animal and trying to feed on our fears (we must consider which, for example: If becomes in a dog or a cat, it not means that dogs and cats are bad, only that the morpho take this way to try confused) usually is a spirit that is manifested through ectoplasmic image, and it is not common.
Some parapsychologists believe it is telepathic hallucinations, but in any case, the fact is, that is caused with help of someone of this world, and an effective way to counter this is to place a Psychic-weapon under the pillow.

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