. elamoxtli .


Dreaming of garbage, in most cases, means that our inconsideration is causing bad feelings around us. But it can also indicate health problems, since garbage is a source of diseases.

- If in the dream we see garbage in the BATHROOM, it tells us that we should be more honest and cordial. It can also mean that we are gaining new enemies due to something related to the bathroom, such as when someone is an exhibitionist, or someone insists on spying on their neighbor.

- If in the dream we see garbage next to our BED, it means health problems.

- If we see a TRASH CAN full of garbage, it means that there is someone who harbors ill will towards us.
But if we see an empty white trash can in front of the house of someone we know, it means that person does not harbor ill will towards us.

- If in our dream THE GARBAGE IS COLLECTED (the garbage collection service), it is a good sign, as it represents the possibility of getting rid of the bad.

- If we see garbage on the DESK or next to it, it means that the difficulties are due to the bad feelings around us. But if it is our desk (the one we use in our daily life for work), it means difficulties at work due to someone who harbors ill will towards us.

- If in our dream we DIG in the ground and find garbage, then it means that there are bad feelings around us.

- Dreaming that we EAT GARBAGE, foretells slander and ill will.

- Dreaming that SOMEONE THROWS GARBAGE IN A WELL-KEPT GARDEN, it means that we have a clean conscience, but there are people with bad feelings around us who are trying to discredit us or even slander us.

- If in the dream we see HAZARDOUS WASTE, such as garbage containing syringes, toxic, flammable, corrosive substances, etc., it means that there are people who harbor ill will towards us, and they are dangerous people; this advises us to be cautious.

- If we dream that we are in a HOLE OR PIT FULL OF GARBAGE and it is located in the middle of an avenue, it tells us that we have not been able to progress (get out of the hole) due to the ill will of some people. This advises us to find a way to change that situation.

- If in our dream we see a HOMELESS PERSON EATING GARBAGE, it means that soon there will be or will continue to be arguments, slander, lawsuits, envy, and/or ill will, but at the same time, it tells us that we must act firmly and decisively to overcome any problem that may arise.

- If in the dream we see ourselves INSIDE A TRASH CAN, it means that someone has rejected us in some way.

- If in the dream we see ourselves throwing garbage ON THE FLOOR OF THE KITCHEN, it tells us that we are gaining new enemies, or that we are likely to do so soon. This advises us to be cautious in what we do or are planning to do.

- If we dream that it is NIGHT, and we see a lot of garbage, it means that there is a danger due to someone who harbors ill will towards us.
But if we dream that it is night, and a trash can falls from the sky, then it means that there is a person or minister of a sect who harbors ill will towards us.

- Dreaming that we walk along a PATH FULL OF GARBAGE means that we will face difficulties because there are many people who harbor ill will towards us. This dream advises us to reconcile with those we can and to get a silver amulet that provides good protection.

- If in the dream we see someone we know PLACING A BAG OF GARBAGE in our car, it means that person harbors ill will towards us.

- Dreaming that we have GARBAGE IN OUR POCKETS, tells us that we are provoking bad feelings because of our bad attitude.

- If in our dream we see a POOL full of garbage, it means that there are hypocritical people around us.

- If we see garbage bags and notice that they contain WASTE FROM ROAST CHICKEN, it means that there is someone who harbors ill will towards us because we despise them (for example, an ex).
But if we see those bags inside our house and we take them out for the garbage truck to collect, then it means that we are controlling the situation well.

- Dreaming of RADIOACTIVE GARBAGE tells us that there are bad feelings around us from members of a sect or some communist group, in addition to envy.

- If we dream that we put garbage in the REFRIGERATOR, it means that we are not doing enough to put a stop to ill will and/or misunderstandings, and although, for example, we may free ourselves from some problems, the truth is that we are only postponing things, but the danger remains latent.

- If in our dream we see a RIVER FULL OF GARBAGE with black water, it means that there are people who envy and harbor ill will towards us.

- Dreaming that we SAY WE ARE GARBAGE means that sometimes we see ourselves as the bad ones, or someone makes us look like the bad ones through gossip and rumors. This dream advises us to find a way to clarify things and avoid misunderstandings.

- If in our dream we see SAUSAGE or processed meat filled with garbage or sawdust instead of meat, it means that things are not going as we wish, and in part, it is due to ill-intentioned people with bad feelings around us.

- If we dream that we see garbage and it SMELLS BAD, it means that there are bad feelings around us and something is not going well.

- If we see garbage, but the most notable thing is WASTE FROM SODA CUPS, it means that there is someone who is envious of us and will try to harm us, and if the cups are brown, it is envy related to our luck in love. In both cases, it advises us to keep this in mind to avoid unpleasant surprises.

- If we dream of an EMPTY STORE, BUT FULL OF GARBAGE, it means that the problems approaching are due to envy and bad feelings from people around us.

- If in the dream we see a GARBAGE BAG ON THE TABLE of the dining room or kitchen, it tells us that someone in our family (the family we live with) harbors ill will towards us.

- Dreaming that we TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE for the cleaning service to collect, it means that we will get rid of the bad feelings around us.

See More.

- If we THROW SOMETHING WITH A BAD MEANING INTO THE GARBAGE (we can consult the meaning in this same dictionary), it tells us that we have made the right decision.

See More.

- If we THROW SOMETHING WITH A GOOD MEANING INTO THE GARBAGE, it means that our unconscious way of acting can bring us problems, for example: If we throw coins, since coins have a good meaning.

- Dreaming that someone is SWEEPING, AND WHILE DOING SO, THEY THROW GARBAGE AT US, represents a person who harbors ill will towards us, and if it is someone we know, it tells us that it is precisely that person who harbors ill will towards us.

- If in our daily life we were thinking of buying a certain car and we dream that we find hidden garbage UNDER THE DRIVER'S SEAT, it means that the car is hiding something dirty, that is, it has an issue (for example: it is stolen, it has many debts, it was repossessed, the engine is in terrible condition, etc.).

- If we dream of a WATERFALL full of garbage, it means that we are generating too many enemies and/or envy, which advises us to improve our attitude.


- View a dump in our dream, says that there are circumstances unfavorable to our interests.
- If we dream to travel in a car with our ex, and suddenly we stop and left her(him) in a dumpster, it means that we got rid of her(him) in some way (That we break up with her(him), or did something on purpose so that the relationship ended in a way).