. elamoxtli .


Dreaming about food and eating can have various meanings, although one of the most frequent cases is related to the meaning of what we eat, that is, it says that we are being or will be what the food symbolizes; it comes from the phrase: "You are what you eat."
For example: if we eat something sour (sour means discomfort and distress), it means that we will soon experience discomfort and distress. If we eat a bat (a bat is associated with evil), it tells us that we are being bad, which advises us to correct our path.

- Dreaming that we eat ALONE, represents loneliness. It can also mean that we are distancing ourselves from others.

- If we dream that an ANIMAL EATS ANOTHER ANIMAL, it means that one idea has overcome another, or that a certain person has overcome/harmed another, depending on the meaning of the animals. For example: dreaming that we see a snake that frightens us, but then a Komodo dragon arrives and eats it, means that there is someone who prefers not to harm us because they fear losing out (since the snake represents a dangerous animal, but the Komodo dragon represents someone even more dangerous).
The exception is when an animal eats another animal of the same species, in which case it speaks of self-interested people, and the meaning of the animal provides the details.

- If in our dream we see BABY FOOD or eat that type of food, it means that we are being forced to learn something we already knew.

- If in the dream we see a BAG WITH THE NUMBER 6, and we eat what is inside, it means that we have fallen, or are about to fall, into a trap.

- Dreaming that the FOOD BURNS, means that we still have much to learn.

- If the food is COMPLICATED, it is because in our daily life we are complicating things with our bad attitude.

- Based on its CONDITIONS: if it is very HOT, it means that something is making us nervous; if it is COLD (something that is usually eaten hot but has cooled down), it represents missed opportunities; ROTTEN: it means that discomfort and bad luck are approaching; if it is RAW meat: suffering and disappointments.

See more about Conditions: Frozen, Spoiled...

- If in the dream we simply see ourselves COOKING, it means family agreement.

- If the most notable thing in our dream is a plate of CORN FLAKES well served, it is advice telling us that we should try to have a balanced diet and eat healthier foods.

- If we have DIFFICULTY CHEWING/swallowing, it tells us that we will have to face something unpleasant.

- If we see our partner eating DOG FOOD, it means that we are not treating them well.

- If we dream that someone put DRUGS in our food, it means that someone is trying to harm us in some way.

- If we dream that an ENEMY INVITES US to eat something, it means that if someone (not that enemy, but someone else) gives us food, we should be very cautious, as the food could contain something harmful.

- If in the dream we see a deceased FRIEND/FAMILY MEMBER, but in the dream they appear as they were when alive and give us something to eat, it means that they have already reached Heaven, have become our guardian angel, and are always helping us so that we lack nothing.
And the same applies if we dream that they hug us while we perceive the smell of food.

- Dreaming that we eat GARBAGE, foretells slander and ill will.

- If we dream that we GIVE someone food, it means that we are good people or that we have acted kindly toward someone.

Show all dream meanings of Give Food.

- If in the dream we see a HAIR IN THE FOOD, it means that to achieve joy, luck, prosperity, and/or good options, we must first correct something that is wrong or avoid doing reckless things.

- Dreaming that one of our siblings is NOT BOUGHT CERTAIN CANDIES BECAUSE THEY HARM THEM, means that in the coming days we should be careful with foods that we know can harm us, whether given to us or sold by untrustworthy people; as it is likely that we will get sick or worse.

- Dreaming that we eat with the LEFT HAND means that we are leaning toward evil, which advises us to correct our path.

- If in the dream we eat LEFTOVERS, from previous days, it means that we hold resentment toward someone; this dream advises us to let go of our resentments and focus our efforts on important matters.
But if it is someone else's leftovers, it represents someone/something that another person did not want, for example, a divorced person.

- If in our dream we eat LEMON OR SOMETHING WITH LEMON JUICE, it means discomfort and distress.

- If we eat NATURAL AND SIMPLE FOODS, it means that we are making good use of our experiences.

- OFFERING FOOD: happiness at home, and rejecting it: family conflicts.

- Dreaming that we eat PINS, means that we are causing harm to someone or planning to do so.
But if they get stuck in our throat while eating them, it means that harming a certain person could bring us many problems.

- If we dream that someone puts POISON in the food, it warns us that our enemies are dangerous.

- If in the dream we are informed of the PRICE or steal the sweets, it reveals an excess of sentimentality.

- If we dream that we eat a RAT, it means that we are trying to steal something. It can also mean that we are causing someone to suffer.
On the other hand, if we dream that we eat rat bones, it means that difficulties and pessimism are leading us to act dishonestly, which is not good. But if we refuse to eat rat bones, it means that despite difficulties or injustices, we are not willing to act dishonestly.

- If WE SEE SOMEONE WE KNOW EATING, it means the same as the above, but it applies to the person eating. For example, if we see someone we know eating baby food, it means that person is being forced to learn something they already knew.

- Seeing ourselves EATING SOUP, means that we will have happiness in our family.

Show all dream meanings of Soup.

- If we dream that we eat SPIDERS, it means that others think we are very deceitful.
On the other hand, if we dream that we are about to eat something, but upon noticing it has a spider, we remove it before continuing, it means that there is something we need to fix so that others do not think we are deceitful.

- If we eat SWEETS, it means that we will have good luck in matters of love.

- If the TASTE is UNPLEASANT or repulsive, it means that we may have to face something very unpleasant. But if the taste is PLEASANT, then it means promising events.

Show all dream meanings of Tastes.

- If we dream that we are eating something so UNPLEASANT THAT WE WANT TO VOMIT, but in the end we do not, it means that there was a danger of someone confronting us about our dishonest or supposedly dishonest actions, but we managed to avoid it (we avoided that situation). But if we VOMIT, then it means that we will be confronted.

- Dreaming that someone puts WITCHCRAFT in the food warns us that our enemies are dangerous. It can also mean that someone is trying to harm us.

- Eating WITH people we know means that we have affinity and a good friendship with them.


- If in our dream we see a bakery full of good fats and breads conditions, means wealth and success. But if we see empty or nearly empty, it means the opposite.
- If you eat cake and sweet taste means that we welcome and positive emotional experiences.
- If you eat cake and it tastes sour, mean: inconvenience and distress.
- If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality.
- If you only see a cake, promises us joy.

- If ever we were poor, or have spent days of need, and in our sleep we are looking for bread, means that we are afraid to see us in misery. But if we have never had a major economic necessity means that are afraid of something related to the moral or with the psychic.
- If you dream that is being developed or baking bread, it means that we have confidence in ourselves, unless the loaf comes out wrong, in this case means that we lack confidence in ourselves and in our abilities.
- If you dream that we put a talisman or an amulet in a freshly baked bread means that we have confidence in ourselves, plus we enjoy special protection and if the talisman or amulet is engraved the image of a good means We must trust that Being, who is close to us.
- If you dream of bread (old), mean difficulty for money. Unless you try churros old, since then, poverty means because of our lack of foresight which advises us to be cautious, be prepared for anything that may arise, plan a better strategy and better analyze the situation or.
- If you dream to buy a loaf of corn, he says that we have a good recipe for success.

- If it's nice to eat indicates promising developments and if bitter anguish and loneliness.
- If very cold or frozen, health distress.
- Bake a cake, it means: family arrangement.
- Offering a cake: happiness at home and refuse family conflicts.
- If we do not like portends that we deal with something unpleasant. Also, the meaning is the same if we have difficulty chewing or swallowing.
- If we are eating together means friendship and affinity with others.
- If we are eating on their own, means: sadness and loneliness.
- If bitter, it means discomfort and distress, unless the cake is for someone else who is in our dream, because in this case means that person will be suffering from discomfort and distress.

- If we try something sweet dream means pleasures.
- If you eat candies in the dream, it means that we are well on the sentimental.
- If our dreams tell us the price of a candy or steal one, means that we are being too sentimental.
- If you dream of someone who is sweet in his nature, means joy in the family.
- If you dream of chocolates means:
• If only we chocolates, means there will be happiness and good fortune in the family.
• If the test and its flavor is sweet, it means pleasures, it can mean that there will be happiness and good fortune in the family.
• If we dream we tested chocolates and the taste is sour means that we must overcome some problems that have complete happiness in our family.
• If in our dream we see a wrapped chocolate brown and purple means there will be happiness and prosperity in our family.

- Means that we increased our assets in addition to good health, can also mean that we have the capacity and ability to choose the way we want in life, as we learned from our experiences, giving us the possibility of make make a good destination.

Cocoa krispies/Chocokrispis:
- View or eat in our sleep chocokrispis tells us that soon came to our pain relief and there will be happiness and good fortune in our family.

- If the chocolate is present in our dreams, means that there will be happiness and good fortune in the family. At least there were other signs that would be contrary, for example, that chocolate was bitter, then it would mean that we must overcome some problems that have complete happiness in our family.
- If in our dream we see a wrapped chocolate brown and purple means there will be happiness and prosperity in our family.

It represents everything about our food.
- If the kitchen is well stocked with utensils indicates the means at our disposal.
- If you lack the most essential is that we are ill prepared for the future.

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- Dreaming of churros old, mean poverty because of our lack of foresight. What we are advised to be cautious, be prepared for anything that may arise, plan a better strategy, or better analyze the situation.

- If we try something sweet dream means pleasures.
- If ours is a treat, it means that we are well on the sentimental.

- If in our dream we see a donut and especially if it is a glazed donut, tells us that we lost, and still trying to find ourselves and our purpose in life.
It can also mean that we are well on the sentimental, depending on the meaning of the other things we see in dreams or in our current situation.

- ACID: It means inconvenience and distress.
- BITTER: If our dream we try something that tastes bitter, predicts success in our business.
- BITTERSWEET: If in our dream we try something bittersweet, says it is likely that we will soon have pleasures, but with some implications and anxieties, which advises us to be prudent.
- HOT: if our dream we try something with a hot flavor, this means that we are too angry about something that is immaterial.
- ROTTEN: Means approaching trouble and bad luck.
- SALTY: Announces probable difficulties.
- SOUR: (When food is in poor condition) means inconvenience and distress.
- SWEET: Announces pleasures.
- Bland: He tells us that our life is too boring. And if our dream we offer something, or try something that should be sweet, but then to try it, it happens that the taste is bland, tells us that our love life is boring, so we recommend try a little more.
- VANILLA, means an invitation or a welcome to a new situation. Can also mean welcome a new project that has a good chance of success.

Jelly beans:
- To dream that you eat sweets such means pleasant moments with those close to us.

Lunch Box:
- Dreaming with a lunchbox full, it means we will have good luck in our projects, and we have the support of those around us. But if it is empty, it means the opposite.

Predict: happy and rewarding family relationships.

Represents abundance and options.

- Dreaming about a pizza deliver our pizza promises even before thirty minutes, for example, before 25 minutes, we said that we will have plenty and good choices, but we must learn to be patient.

Predicts good luck in general.

Wedges shows dissatisfaction due to emotional or professional.
- If we dream that we eat something we do not like that we face portends something nasty. Also, the meaning is the same if we have difficulty chewing or swallowing.
- Dining together reveals friendship and affinity with others. But if you eat alone, then it means sadness and depression.
- If you eat natural foods and simple means we are making the most of life's experiences.
- If you eat sweets means we welcome and positive emotional experiences.
- If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality.

- If ever we were poor, or have spent days of need, and in our sleep we are looking for a tamale, it means that we are afraid to see us in misery. But if we have never had a major economic necessity means that are afraid of something related to the moral or with the psychic.
- If you dream of being drafted or cooking a tamale, it means that we have confidence in ourselves, unless a tamale out wrong, in this case means that we lack confidence in ourselves and in our abilities.

- If ever we were poor, or have spent days of need, and in our sleep we are looking for tortillas, it means that we are afraid to see us in misery. But if we have never had a major economic necessity means that are afraid of something related to the moral or with the psychic.
- If you dream of being drafted tortillas, means that we have confidence in ourselves, unless made tortillas go wrong in this case means that we lack confidence in ourselves and in our abilities.
- If you dream hard tortillas, means approaching problems of money.
- If you dream of ice cream we tested this in a hard tortilla, like a block of ice, and is sweet, it means that if we begin to spend on pleasure, we can see ourselves in financial difficulties.

Tortillas store:
- If in our dream we see a tortilla in good fats and conditions tortillas filled with freshly prepared, it means wealth and success. But if we see empty or nearly empty, it means the opposite.