

In this case it depends on what we feel, for example, if we feel cold, it says that we need help from others; if we feel hot, he says we will have help; if it is pain, it generally represents pain in our pride; if we feel ashamed, it says that we are enduring something for which we are not responsible, and so on.

- Feeling COLD means that we need help from others, in addition to maintaining and reinforcing the family togetherness. It can also mean that we need to find the Truth about an important matter.

- CONCERN: It means that something is wrong our affairs, which advises us analyze the situation well.

- If a child dreams that he goes to the DENTIST and that when a tooth is extracted he gets a lot of blood, it means that he thinks that his dentist or dentists are a bit rough. If he also feels a lot of pain, it means that he is afraid that the dentist will hurt him.

- DESPAIR: This dream augurs a change in our situation will be for right. But if the dream felt so despair that even awake at that time, it means that something is not right, for what is a call to review our current situation.

- ENVY: If in our dream feel envy, indicates frustration in the realization of our projects.
Being envied means that the evolution of our situation will be positive.

- FEAR: it can be caused by a movie or event that gave us a shock. In other cases:

  • It means that in real life there is something that concern.
  • If you constantly dream that we fear, then there is a fear that can be justified or unjustified, but we is causing too much anxiety or concern.

- FRUSTRATION: If in the dream feel frustration may be caused by something is causing us much concern, and sometimes it is a signal tells us that there is a looming threat. - If the love of a mother tells us family safety and good fortune.

- GUILT: If in our dream we feel guilt, means that in real life feel guilt having to do anything that might lead to a family situation (or someone) that becomes difficult. It may also mean that someone is repressing.

- HAPPINESS: If in our dreams we happy, we are told to be more realistic.

- HATE: See our dream that we hate someone, it means the failure of our business or our important issues.

- Feeling HOT means that we are protected, for example, that we will have help soon. But if the heat is unpleasant, it can mean a health problem.

- If we dream that we feel HUNGER, it means the following:

  • If we feel hungry and satisfy it, it means that our fears are unfounded and that times of abundance are coming.

  • If these types of dreams are constantly repeated and in them we never satisfy our hunger, it means hunger of a sexual nature.

  • Sometimes it simply tells us that we are hungry.

- Feeling IN LOVE in dreams means that we will be successful in love.

- Feeling JEALOUS means that we must prioritize our interests.

- LONELY: If in our dream we are alone or feel lonely, it means we're a bit confused or do not have our main objectives sufficiently clear, which advises us to think well things and see what we really matter.

- LOVE: If in our dream we love means that we will succeed in love, as if a person who love with us.
- If the love of a mother tells us family safety and good fortune.

- If in the dream we feel NERVOUS due to some cause, it means that there is something that worries us and that is related to the meaning of the other things that we see in the dream. It can also mean that there is something that is being difficult for us to control.

- Feeling a PHYSICAL PAIN is associated with our pain with our pride. Sometimes it refers to the fear of illness or an accident.

- RELIEF: To feel relieved that they escaped from a danger, it means we got rid of a hazard, and while we advised that the next time we are more prudent.

- SADNESS: It means the opposite, namely: Happiness.

- Feeling SHAME means that we are enduring something for which we are not responsible.

- TERROR: This dream refers to insecurity or afraid of something that concerns us.

- If in our dream we FEEL UGLY, it means shame in confrontational circumstances with our enemies.

- UNCERTAINTY: If in our dream we feel uncertainty, means that something is not is well in our affairs.


Feeling (Presentiment):
- If we dream that we have a feeling, it means that we are concerned about the outcome of an issue or business. It can also mean that something is about to happen, which can be good or bad.
- To dream that we travel in a car and suddenly we have a bad feeling, so we take a different path, it means that we have the option and the possibility of changing our destiny.

Feeling of falling:
- If in our dream we feel the sensation of falling, it means that something is about to change in us, either something about our personality or the way we see the world, which can be good or bad depending on the meaning of other things that we see in our dream.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com