In most cases, this sign is related to communication with those around us, with love, with what we want, and sometimes tells us something about ourselves.
- If we dream that someone we know publishes something about AIDS on Facebook, it means that there is an issue that is worrying that person.
- If we dream that someone we know is ANGRY and also says it on Facebook, it means that we must be careful about what we say and comment on social networks, to avoid discussions or misunderstandings with that person or someone who has something In common with him.
- If we dream that someone HACK OUR FACEBOOK or Twitter and erase our friends, change things or break something, it means that we must be careful with the information we make known to others, because someone could use it To generate a gossip or to sabotage us in some way.
- If we dream that we took a picture of KING KONG and we got on facebook, it means it is likely to soon get to see things or we get to see in situations that can cause loss of control, which could lead us to be dominated by instinct, so that this dream tells us that we must prepare to keep our instincts under control.
- If we dream that we see that in one facebook profile picture looks LEGS OR SHOES (To the opposite sex), means it is likely to get to know a love through facebook or someone tells us that she(he) loves us, through facebook.
- If we dream that someone we like gives us a LIKE to something we post on facebook, it means that we also like it.
- If we dream for MISTAKENLY WE ACCEPT SOMEONE AS A FRIEND on facebook, and then tells us that someone will kill us, it means that we must be more cautious about the places we frequent and as for those who choose as friends.
- To dream that we take a PICTURE WITH SOMEONE we know and then we try to get on facebook, it means that that person has a great interest to us.
- To dream about the person we love says something to the STATUS of our facebook, means that she(he) is interested in what we feel or think, for example if we are single. But if she(he) makes a negative comment, then, it means that she(he) does not like us.
- If a child or a teenager dreams that someone STEAL YOUR FACEBOOK, means it is likely that soon, their parents would not let him use his facebook because of low grades, but can be otherwise, depending on your situation today.
- If we dream that we are reviewing our Facebook and then we cut the veins of the hands to commit SUICIDE, it means that depresses the idea of what others can think about us.
- If we dream we TALKED ON FACEBOOK WITH SOMEONE WE LIKE and no problems in communicating nor negative signs, it means she(he) also like us.
But if we dream that the person we like to see us ugly, but after we talked to her(him), smiles at us and sends us messages through facebook, without anything negative, it means that she(he) was angry for some reason, but soon we will have a new opportunity.
- If we dream we TALKED ON FACEBOOK WITH OUR GIRLFRIEND(BOYFRIEND) or with our partner and there are problems in communication, it means that something is wrong in our relationship.
- If we dream we TALKED ON FACEBOOK with our girlfriend(boyfriend) or with our partner, and there are NO PROBLEMS IN COMMUNICATION nor negative signs, it means that all is well in our relationship.
- If we dream that our SON OR GRANDSON TRY TO USE YOUR FACEBOOK OR SOCIAL NETWORK, WITHOUT PERMISSION even though we tell him not to do it; May be because he is punished and is not authorized to use his facebook, and means that he would try to insist that we allow it to be used, but the dream advises us not to yield so easily.