The meaning of dreaming about earrings comes from ancient times when earrings or pendants were often placed in the ears to protect that part of the body, hence earrings in good condition mean that we are protected from gossip, but if we see them in bad condition, then it means that there is a danger that someone will involve us in gossip.- If the earrings are in BAD CONDITIONS, it means difficulties in our business.
- If the earrings break or we see BROKEN earrings, it means frustration.
- If we BUY earings, it means that it is very likely that we will have money losses, soon.
- If the earrings look DIRTY, it means difficulties in our business.
- But if we see a pair of earrings with a SQUARE diamond, it means that stability or a formal commitment can keep us safe from gossip.
- If we FIND EARRINGS, it means that we must avoid dangerous temptations.
- If we FIND EARRINGS IN A CAVE, it means finding wisdom.
- If in the dream someone GIVES us earrings, it means that we should avoid borrowing, or giving a loan.
- If the earrings are from GOLD it means that we should not be proud.
- If a woman dreams that her earrings are HURT or her earrings are squeezed, it means that there is a danger that someone will slander her or put her in gossip. But if she dreams that her earrings hurt her and she takes them off, it means she will get rid of the problem.
- If the earrings are of IMITATION JEWERLY, it means that we should avoid vanity and presumption.
- If we MISPLACE THE ARRINGS, means problems with our goods.
- If a woman dreams that someone PUTS earrings on her (perforates her piercing and puts them on), it means that she has done things well, so she is safe from gossip and rumors.
- If the earrings are SILVER, it means that we will have good luck.