. elamoxtli .

Meaning of dreaming People who have already left this world (Dead/deceased)

In this case there are two types of dreams:
a) When it comes to normal dream, in which case, the meaning depends of the expression on having our family or friend, so that, for example, if he are angry is because we feel guilty about something related to that person, and
b) The dreams in which a relative or friend who left this world we visit in dreams.
In the second case the people who have gone we can visit us for several reasons: If we see in the dream and there are negative signs, tells us that they need our help, as it is through our prayers, for example, can burn a incense stick and say the following prayer: “Oh God / allows the Coyolnawal / guide the soul of my (father, mother, friend, uncle, grandfather, as applicable) / to you / I promise you / be true / and make your fasting /”
The Coyolnahual is an angel among its functions is to bring the lost souls to Heaven.
But when there are no negative signs, then it is because they want to say we do not care for them, as they have managed to get to Heaven, or because we want to give a big tip, whether we talk about our current situation, or that this message contained in the meaning of the other things we see in the dream.
If we did not have a good relationship with that person, that person could visit us to try to reconcile with us.
And there are also cases where our beloved pets who have already left this world come here for the same reasons as mentioned earlier.

- If we dream that a friend/relative who has already left this world brings us BAGS WITH THINGS TO EAT, it means that he(she) worries that we are missing something (Food, clothes...).

- If we dream that we are on a BEACH and there we see a family member or friend who left this world and give you a kiss, embrace, hold hands, talk to her... It means that through our dream we visited our loved one who is already in heaven. In this dream the ocean symbolizes the sea of Heaven, and the beach the land, ie the arrival in Heaven.

Here we see a beach.

- If we see a friend/relative who has already left this world and it happens that in the dream is his BIRTHDAY, it means that she(he) is our guardian angel, who only wishes that we do not forget him and that we have him in mind , especially when we have a problem.

- If we dream of a loved one who left this world in a BOAT THAT PASSES BY A RIVER that travels along a canyon, means someone who recently departed this world is traveling to the underworld, which tells us that it is important to pray for her(him), for God to guide her(him) to the path that leads to Heaven. (Sometimes we may see it differently, as can be: as was young.)

- If we dream that a family member/friend, who has already left this world, goes in a CAR AND WANTS TO WE GO WITH HIM(SHE), but we don't want to, it means that he (she) is in a very difficult situation and would like to we also left this world to keep him company, which advises us to pray for him (her), so that he soon stops suffering and can reach Heaven.

- If in our dream we see a friend/relative who has already left this world and we see him SITTING ON THE DINING ROOM CHAIR and notice that he smiles at us, it means that he(she) is already in Heaven and tries to thank us for our prayers , besides telling us that now he(she) is also our guardian angel and of our family.

- If we have a family member/friend who has already left this world and we dream that he had more CHILDREN than he actually has (For example: That we dream that he had two children, when in fact he only had one, it means that our family member/friend is asking us to help his son, but also another person, who depended on him(her) in some way, such as his father, a grandson...

- If in the dream we see a family member/friend who left this world a short time ago, and he TELLS US THAT HE COMES FOR ONE OF OUR FAMILIES, TO TAKE IT WITH HIM(her), it means that the soul of our family member/friend is lost and depressed, so he(she) wish someone else would die to keep him(her) company where he(she) is. This dream advises us to pray for that person, so that he can soon find the path that leads to Heaven.

- If we see a family member or friend who left this world, who gives us a COUNCIL, that relates directly to our current situation, it means that that person who we see in dreams, in here he tells us, is exactly what we are advising.

- If we dream of a family member or friend who left this world, for example, our great-grandfather, and then, shortly after, in the morning we have another dream where we are CROSSING A STREET, surrounded by trees, where, suddenly some cars accelerate and we have to run, achieving cross the avenue safely, means that our great-grandfather or great-grandmother and is in Heaven and we have visited in dreams.

- If you have recently left this world a female friend or female family member, and we dream that she shows us a DOLL, it means that she is lonely and would like to continue in this world, so they need our prayers to reach Heaven.

- If a man dreams of a woman wearing a DRESS IDENTICAL TO THAT USED YOUR WIFE, girlfriend, friend, or promised deceased, means she has visited him in a dream to give an important message that relates to the meaning of the other things you see in dream (especially if that dress brings a memory of a special occasion when she was wearing it), addition to the above, the dream tells him she has become one of their guardian angels.

- If in the dream we see a family member or friend who recently left this world, and we see DRESS GRAY, especially if the dream is unpleasant or causes us concern, then that family or friend is lost and depressed . He advises us to pray for help to get to Heaven.

- If in our dream we see a family member or friend who left this world and noticed that is DRESSED IN A WHITE SHIRT AND BLUE PANTS or white shirt and blue skirt (if is a female), it means that relative or friend already in Heaven .

- If we dream of DRIVING A CAR and the passenger seat, to see a family member or friend who left this world, it means that he(she) is always with us, as it has become our guardian angel.

- If in our dream we are on a beach and then we give an ESKIMO-KISS a friend or family member who has already left this world, it is that person, who we visited in a dream and tells us that we love, plus that is already good, it has come to Heaven.

- If in the dream we see someone who already died, but FACELESS, means that person visits us in our dream to try to apologize or tell us that we have not fully understood some things that happened when he(she) lived and he(she) does not want have grudges.

- If in the dream, we are FIGHTING AGAINST a family member or friend who left this world, means that we still feel guilty about something that is related to it, or that we are still upset with him for some reason (for example: Because not included us in your will, because he made difficult-life, because we hiding something, because he(she) were not faithful, etc.)

- If in our dream we see a FLOWER SHOP attended by a family member or friend who left this world, it means that she(he) has become one of our guardian angels and help us in our difficulties in love.

- If our GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND HAS A RELATIVE WHO has already left this world and we see him(her) in dreams, where he(she) smiles at us, it means that he(she) is his(her) guardian angel and is giving us his(her) approval, to be your daughter's boyfriend (son's girlfriend).

- If in the dream we see our GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SUITOR, and we notice that she is wearing a white shirt/blouse and blue pants/skirt; we see a tree; we see her on a beach; in a place full of beautiful waterfalls, or any other sign that relates to the SKY, it means that she(he) visits us in dreams to tell us not to worry, since he is well and has managed to reach Heaven.

- If we see a friend/relative who has already left this world, but in the dream we see him GO AND COME as if he did not know where to go, it means that he(she) needs our prayers in order to reach Heaven.

- If in our dream we only see a GRAVE means that we are going through difficult times, or uncertainty.

- If in our dream we see a GRAVE WITH THE NAME OF A FAMILY/FRIEND THAT WE HAVE NOT KNOWN IN A LONG TIME and on it we see flower petals, it means that this person has already left this world. The same means if we see the grave with the name of the relative/friend that we have not seen in a long time, and we see a dog passing by.

- If we dream that we commit INCEST with a relative who has already left this world, it means that we still resent that relative.

- If in the dream we see a friend/relative who has already left this world, but in the dream HE TELLS US INCOHERENT THINGS, as if he were still alive, it means that he has not realized that he no longer belongs to this world, so that the dream advises us to pray for him(her) so that he can enter to Heaven.

- If in the dream we see a family member/friend who has already left this world, and it happens that in the dream he is in JAIL, it means that he is in a difficult situation and needs our prayers to reach Heaven.

- If we dream it to be somewhere, somehow KNOW THAT THERE KILLING SEVERAL PEOPLE and especially if we do not pass, it means that we have a dangerous-enemy who is using linking talismans (evil talismans) to prevent that we can defend against.

- If RECENTLY DIED, THE MOTHER OF A FRIEND, and we see in our dream asking us to care for your son, that means the person is in limbo and worried about their sons. This dream advises us to pray for her, for example: We can burn a stick of incense and say the following prayer: “Oh God / allows the Coyolnawal / guide the soul of my (father, mother, friend, uncle, grandfather, as applicable) / to you / I promise you / be true / and make your fasting /”
The Coyolnahual is an angel among its functions is to bring the lost souls to Heaven.

- If in our dream we see/read an OBITUARY, it means the end of our principles or an old attitude.

- If in our dream we see a friend/relative who has already left this world and HAPPENS SOMETHING OF WHAT HAPPENED DURING HIS LAST DAYS of life in this world, it means that she(he) tries to tell us not to forget she(he), since she(he) is our guardian angel and can help us in difficult situations and matters.

- If we dream a friend or family member who has already left this world, but we see it as an OLDER PERSON than it did the last time that we saw her(him) in life (in this world), it means that we have visited in dreams give advice, which relates to the meaning of the other things we see in the dream, she(he) are trying to tell us to trust his message because she(he) can see things we do not.

- If time backwards, left this world our dad or mom, and dream that he RETURNS AS IF HE(SHE) HAD NOT DIED, but had been living elsewhere, means that we wish to continue with us, and also tells us that he (she) is still with us, as it has become our guardian angel and sometimes visit us in dreams to tell us to do.

- If in the dream we see a relative or friend who left this world recently, and they SAID TO COME BY ONE OF OUR RELATIVES, to take it with him(her), means that the soul of our family or friend is lost and depressed, so he wish to someone else die to keep him company where is he. This dream advises us make a prayer for that family member or friend, to soon be able to find the path that leads to Heaven.

- If we dream that we are talking with one of our children or with someone, about THINGS OF THE SCHOOL and a moment later we see a friend/relative who has already left this world (Especially if it is our father, mother or one brother), means that he(she) cares because he wants to we or our children can continue studying (Sometimes such worries make it difficult for them to leave this world completely, so it is important to pray for them every days).

- If in our dream we see SEVERAL OF OUR FRIENDS/FAMILIES WHO HAVE ALREADY LEFT FROM THIS WORLD, and we see some of them well, but we see others in bad conditions, it means that those we see healthy and saved are already in Heaven , but those who do not look good need our prayers to be able to reach Heaven.

- If we have a friend or a relative who recently committed SUICIDE OR WAS MURDERED, and in our dream we see something that reminds us that event, means that this friend or family member, ask us, and all who appreciate in life, to pray for him(her), because in your situation, he(she)will need all the possible help, especially in the case of a person who committed suicide.

- If we dream that we speak with a TEACHER and he or she dies as we do, it means something that can end badly, since we have little support and few resources (in this case the dream we are advised to seek help our guardian angels). But if we see the death of the teacher or his soul leaves his body and we start talking, apparently means that although we have little support and few resources, our guardian angels guide us and advise, which can lead to achieve the final victory. (In the latter case the dream advises us not stop trusting our guardian angels and keep trusting the messages we receive in our dreams).

- If we dream of a family member or friend who already left this world, but who just met, and in the dream TELL US: “SEE YOU SOON” just means that person has realized that just died and no know what to do, and to wish that someone else died to be his company. In this case, although there is no danger to us, you should pray for that person, so that his soul can reach Heaven.

- If we have a dream and later have another dream in which we say THANK to someone for their help, and that someone is a family member or friend who left this world, it means that visited us in our dreams to give us an important message.

- If in our dream we see a TOMB WITH THE NAME OF RELATIVE OR FRIEND WHOM WE HAVE NOT HEARD IN A WHILE, and see her flower petals, especially if they are marigold, means that person has already left this world. The same means if we see the tomb with the name of the relative or friend we have not seen in a while, and we see a dog pass by.

- If we dream that a relative or friend who left this world, TRAIN US OR TEACHES US TO DO SOMETHING, it means that a relative or friend we visited in our dream to tell us that we must act more decisively, because otherwise we to face many difficulties.

- If in our dream we see a friend/relative who has already left this world, convalescing in a WHEELCHAIR, it means that he(she) needs our help to reach Heaven, as it is through our prayers.

- If we see a friend/relative who has already left this world, in WHEELCHAIR, BUT A MOMENT AFTER, we see him trying on three pairs of shoes, it means that he is already in Heaven thanks to our prayers (The wheelchair means that was wrong but when trying on the third pair of shoes, it means that it has reached the third cosmic sphere, that is, to Heaven).

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com


Book of Truth.