See a cushion in our dream means that our hearsay or gossip can be used against us. It can also mean luxury and comfort, and that means the first or the second depends on our current situation.
On the left we see cushions, and right pillows.
- If in the dream we see a BROKEN silk cushion, means bad luck.
- If in the dream we are LYING on cushions, means comfort at the expense of others.
- If in the dream we see a RED silk cushion, means good luck in love.
- If in the dream we see a YELLOW silk cushion, means good luck financially.
- In case of a PILLOW, then it means the following:
- Affective pleasures means unless it is soiled and torn, because then it means sorrow and loneliness.
- If we see someone's socks within our pillow, tells us that the person we have submitted to his will.
But if we dream it inside the pillow of someone we know, is inside our socks, then, means that person will
do what I say.