- To dream that we climb a BUILDING, A VERY LARGE TREE, A MOUNTAIN, A HILL OR SIMILAR THING, means success.
- If we FAIL TO REACH THE TOP, it means that we can’t achieve our goals because of our weakness of character and lack of conviction.
- If we are on top, and we FALL, means we can’t achieve our goals because of our weakness of character and lack of conviction.
- If we dream a young MAN(MEN) trying to climb a mountain, but before he approaches the top, back, means that our enemies lack the courage and decision enough to beat us.
- If we REACH THE TOP, it means that we will succeed in our purposes.
- If we dream to climb a building, a very large tree, a mountain, a hill or anything like that and to get to the top and see SOMETHING SPECIAL IN THERE, we search for the meaning of that thing it means success and is related with the meaning of what we see there.