. elamoxtli .


Dreaming of a car is similar to what happens with the soul; it is the one that drives the body, as for the soul, the body is like a vehicle; and in the case of cars, it is something very similar, for example: driving a sports car is like having an athletic body.
As for the people we see traveling beside us, they represent those who are very close to us, such as our siblings or our partner if we are already married.

- If we dream of being ACCOMPANIED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS PASSED AWAY, it means that this person is with us in spirit, that is, they are our guardian angel, and we can trust them, as long as it is someone we care about.

- If in our dream we find ourselves in an AUTOMOTIVE AGENCY filled with new cars, it means that there is a possibility of a positive change in our life or the possibility of having a better life. But if it is empty, it means that the chances of a change are very slim and difficult.

- If we see ourselves DRIVING THE CAR ALONE, it means that we have a desire to become independent.

- The APPEARANCE of the car tells us how others see us, for example: seeing a very sporty car in our dream means that others see us as young athletes.

- If one of the things we remember most about our dream is precisely the BRAND OR MODEL of the car, it refers to how others see us, although in some cases it can also give us more details about the meaning of the dream.

- If we dream that someone left our car parked in a CLOSET, it means that there is someone who is repressing us too much, so that we cannot find a partner, for example: an overly possessive father/mother.

- Dreaming that we COVER THE WINDOWS OF A VEHICLE, means that we will have some difficulties in achieving our projects. BUT IF WE DREAM THAT WE REMOVE WHAT COVERS THE WINDOWS, then it means that the difficulties will disappear.

- If we dream that we are TRAVELING CRAMPED, it means we feel pressured or it is difficult to live with the people we see in the car.

- Dreaming of CRASHING means that a lack of care or caution in our affairs can get us into trouble.

- IF WE DRIVE, it means that we have control over our life. But if someone else is driving, then it means that we do not have control over our life, or we are strongly influenced by someone (and if the driver is someone we know, it means that this person is controlling or influencing us too much in our life).

  • If we are traveling in a car, but we see a CHILD DRIVING, it means that we lack maturity.

- If in the dream we see the incredible car or the Batmobile pass by (which in some way is considered the ultimate in cars), but we notice that it has a DEFECT, it means that there is someone who is very envious of us.

- If we dream that we are in a car and FALL INTO A CLIFF it means material ruin; but if we dream that another car hits us and we fall into the cliff because of that, it means there is a person who may cause our ruin, which advises us to light a red candle.

  • If we dream that SOMEONE FALLS INTO A CLIFF, it means someone will be ruined, but if we dream that we hit someone, and they fall into a cliff because of us, it means someone will be ruined because of us.

- Dreaming of a GARAGE means that we are stagnating in life.
If we leave it, it means that we will soon be able to overcome the stagnation.
If we see ourselves trying to leave it, but something prevents us, it means that this something is an obstacle in our life, preventing us from aspiring to something better.

- If we dream of being HOLDING THE DOOR OF A MOVING CAR (in some places they call it "traveling like a fly"), it means that in our waking life, we find it difficult to live with the people we see inside the vehicle or that we simply no longer want to live with them.

- If we dream that we LEND our car to someone, and they return it damaged, it means that we should not trust others too much.

- If we dream that an engine is OUT OF TUNE, it means difficulties and failures.

- Dreaming that we are in our car, inside a PARKING LOT, means that we are stagnating in life or at least in a certain matter.

- If in our dream the most notable thing is the PARTS OF THE CAR or a part of it (trunk, headlights, brakes, steering wheel, etc.), it will give us more details about the matter or about our personality.

- If we are in a car, but suddenly a POLICE OFFICER STOPS US, and then gets in to drive the car, it means that we have a guilt complex.

- If we dream of traveling in a vehicle, and suddenly we fall into a POTHOLE OR DITCH, it means we may face difficulties soon. But if instead of falling into the pothole, we manage to avoid it, it means we will be able to avoid a difficulty.

- Dreaming that we are traveling in a car, and suddenly we have a BAD PREMONITION, so we take a different path than the one we initially thought of, means that we have the option and the possibility to change our destiny.

- If in our dream we drive a RACING CAR and win the race, it means success over our competitors.

- Dreaming that we are traveling in a car and in it, we see a RELIGIOUS IMAGE (as long as it is not a crucifix), means that we are on the right path in our life.

- If in our dream we see a RIDE-ON CAR (a car for children) or see ourselves in it, it means immaturity.

- THE ROAD WE TRAVEL ON can give us clues about our life depending on the meaning of the things we see.

- Dreaming that SOMEONE IS CASTING SPELLS ON OUR CAR means that there is someone who wants to harm us and will use any means to achieve that; this advises us to be cautious and take the necessary precautions.

- Dreaming that someone STEALS OUR CAR means that our life is being frustrated, such as due to a relationship that is not working (dating, partnership, etc.), or a job we do not like.
It can also represent someone who is frustrating our life, such as an enemy/rival.

- If we dream that we are traveling in a vehicle, and SOMEONE TELLS US NOT TO BOTHER THE DRIVER, it means that a person who tries to control our lives will make unserious threats to us.

- Dreaming that our car is TOWED OR TAKEN AWAY BY A TOW TRUCK, because we did not park it properly, tells us that there is a nearby danger.

- IF WE TRAVEL WITH ANOTHER/OTHER PEOPLE, it refers to those who are close to us. If that person or those people get out of the car, it means that they will move away from us. If someone gets in, it means that person may be close to us in the future, unless later in the dream everyone gets out of the car, then it means that each person will take different paths.
This type of dream is usually accompanied by several signs, which help us better understand the message. The key is to see the meaning of each sign.

- If in the dream we see that a friend (whom we do not know in our waking life) ARRIVES IN A CAR TO INVITE US TO A WEDDING, it means that a friend has passed away, and the characteristics of the car give us a clue about who they were. For example, if it is a brand new car, it means they were a young person; if it is an old model, it means they were elderly; if it is a car in poor condition, it means they were poor; if we see the car's bodywork covered in leather, it means they were wealthy, etc.

- Seeing a WOMAN IN A CAR TALKING ON THE PHONE, tells us that there is a matter related to our current life that we need to attend to, and the meaning of the other things we see in the dream can give us more details.

FREE CONSULTATION: nelamoxtli@outlook.com


Book of Truth.