- If you dream to ROB A BANK, means that we are afraid to lose our stability and economic security.
- If we dream that we have a BANK ACCOUNT, means poverty and the greater is the amount of money you have in our bank account, the greater money difficulties.
- We dream that ROW IN A BANK, means that our projects are continue delaying and even lack of stability in economics.
- If we dream that we WITHDREW MONEY from the bank and is about BILLS, means: debt and financial difficulties.
- If we dream that we WITHDREW MONEY from the bank and is about COINS, meaning good fortune.
- If we are with a CREDIT CARD means that approximate money difficulties.
- To dream that you GET A BANK CREDIT CARD, means constant money problems and debt.
- If we dream that WE ROB A BANK, means that we are afraid to lose our stability and economic security.
- If you either ONLY SEE THE BANK, or you are in, means you crave have a stability in the economy.
Alarm:- Predict a change of situation, or setbacks.
- If you dream that we get money, from an ATM means:
- If we are using the ATM, but no money, meanswe have fought or we get rid of financial difficulties.