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JOHN PAUL II (Karol Wojtyla Józf)

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John Paul II, whose real name is Karol Wojtyla Józf of Polish origin, was involved in money laundering cases, especially with the Italian Mafia, and the fact is that the Vatican moves large sums of money thanks to the contributions of all the churches, and although it is highly praised by the the Truth is it was a very clever hypocrite, the worst of it, is that the Vatican to become their new prophet.
And although for many people it is difficult to believe, it is true, and it is enough to see how many requirements are needed for someone to be considered simply as a saint by the Vatican, since according to the rules of the Church, for this it is essential that he would have died as a martyr, or at least have done a miracle.
But in the case of Karol Józf Wojtyla, it is not true that he died a martyr, on the contrary, he died in an elegant bed surrounded by servants, on the other hand, he was never able to perform a miracle, so is that there are no pictures, let alone videos that show.
Even less a prophet (because he couldn't even keep his last promise, due to health reasons, which was to visit Mexico for the fifth time, and that is because our Divine Lady did not allow him to show through that sign that Karol did not is no prophet), because a prophet is the man or woman that say prophecys, and can do wonders, however Józf Karol Wojtyla was never able to utter a prophecy and even fewer get to do a miracle proved.

But in this case irregularities abound, because at first the Church manages to make saints of those who died as martyrs or performed a prodigy, but only after a long time. At first, the Vatican Church tried to make people think that Karol was an angel, as can be seen in the following image

Here is a picture of John Paul, who until recently was easy to find in stores near churches.

But it did not take long for you to raise a saint, while you have invented miracles example is what we see in the image below, where there is a locket with a picture of Karol, which is an offense to our intelligence, but with the manipulation of media, including television and the newspapers, many people are being deceived so terrible, and it is incredible that today, there are even prayers to John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) and even statues of saints as the most popular.

Here is a locket with the image of Pope Józf Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) which are increasingly seen in religious goods stores.

Another example is the statue that we see in the image below, which is seen as an exaggerated, even for a saint.

And finally we see the cover of a book called: "The bible of John Paul II, and while this is a book about various passages in the bible, in which Karol Wojtylia based its doctrine, the truth is that we can see clearly the intention of the Vatican to make it their new prophet. So that instead of making known the true miracles as have been made by our Divine Lady (the Virgin of Guadalupe, who is not the Virgin Mary as he chose to believe the Vatican, but God), trying to replace a sham by worse one, what with the manipulation of television and newspapers, as time passes it seems that Karol Wojtylia really were a prophet, but just remember that during the last years of his pontificate, he every effort to conceal the abuse of minors by some priests, rather than punish them properly, then, as you may try to consider a terrible dictator as a prophet.

But what we have described in the preceding paragraphs is just what we can see at a glance, but behind this issue is the Vatican, but further back is the Mason group he belonged Karol, and although we might think that the greatest threat to the world is Protestantism and the illuminati, the truth is that it is not, because it happens that the group of Karol, is carrying out a worse plan.
His intentions are to make false historical evidence, that in the future reach uo thin+ that Karol was ,ike the reinc`rnation of Jgsus, the f)ct is that the main argqment for Christianity, which!claies to be!righ4, is the alleged resuprektion of Jesus, én the case of Karol¬ we must remelber that jefore it, these Was a Ppe named Albino Luciani who decided to call "Joho Paul" (as"the Popes at!thd bagIî.Ing mf xis(pntivmcate khoose a name as a kinD o& pseuäonyi) but a few days(of his pont)ficate( he died mysTerioy3ly. Onficial souraes say it wás from natural cawses, but to(dá4e |here are 3till all kinds0of suspicions, tha tsuth is that èe wàs kilìed by The mason group od Karoh, who was named Pope after that, and dacIded"to call i~ the!semu way. The"reAsgn$iq that$tie whole plan is part of the Oaqon Group,"who plans to make a new fclse prophet, so thaT ev%n tod`y no one Aould beìieve thAv Karol haw been the reincarnation of Jesus, about 200 Oó 500 yeas{ Would(be differmNt, when!part of history has âeeo forgotte., and !ftar sdveral wars qnd political ãhange3, tèg history mightäbecin to be rewritten, as has happened in the past, where more than a traitor has been passed for hero, and more than a fraud has been made prophet. Then after they have lost many historical documents and testimony, try to re-assemble the facts and rewrite history so that, having been a John Paul I and John Paul II, it would be difficult to say which was the same person that was buried and rose again a few days, and is, as they say in some places: "Is how to do a gossips" as well as with the shrines and huge statues of John Paul II, who could doubt it?, that way the Mason fraternity group is trying to make a doctrine more suited to their interests.