

- If you see BEHEADED, means loss of a position to take a better one. Also, can relate to the phrase: "I'm losing my mind" (which implies that something is worrying us too or we're losing focus for thinking about someone).
And if in the dream we see the decapitated head of our ex-girlfriend(boyfriend), means that she(he) is losing your mind about us (Do not stop thinking about us).

- Dreaming we have BLOOD in the neck is a likely painful separation. This dream advises us to be more considerate with our partner and or with the people we love, to prevent separation or estrangement.

- If you dream that one DOG BIT YOU NECK represents someone who is trying to do everything possible to separate you from your girlfriend or couple (or a friend, if you do not have a partner).

- If in the dream, we HOLD SOMEONE BY THE NECK and that while we do that, he sticking out the tongue, it means that we want a certain person, stop saying things that he should not say, and the dream says it is likely that we will.

- But if in the dream, we HOLD SOMEONE BY THE NECK and that while we do that, he sticking out the tongue and the eyes, means that we want a certain person, stop saying things that he should not say and to he see the reality of things, and the dream says it is likely that we will.

- If we are SICK OF NECK means that we need to be persistent and try harder.

- If the neck is SLIM AND SHORT means that we are weak-willed.

- A STRONG NECK is a sign of confidence in us.

- If we dream that we are WASHING THE NECK, tells us that we should stop being so unsure of ourselves.

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